Tickets and concessions

Tickets and concessions

Tickets - Museo Santa Caterina

Full (per museum) € 6,00
Concessions (per museum) € 4,00
for pre-booked groups (minimum 10 paying visitors), the over-65s, members of various Italian associations (see list below), students in higher education (please be prepared to show student photo ID), and participants in the Museum’s educational events.

Free of charge

Under 18s, people with disabilities and the person accompanying them, authorized guides, press and media (please be prepared to show relevant ID), guides (max two per class) accompanying school groups, one person accompanying a group (minimum 10 persons), members of ICOM (International Council of Museums), art critics and scholars (with relevant ID), and accredited volunteers.

Full (both museums)

€ 13,00

Concessions (both museums)

€ 9,00

Tickets - "Canova Gloria Trevigiana" and Museo Bailo

Full (per museum) € 9,00
Concessions (per museum) € 6,00
for pre-booked groups (minimum 10 paying visitors), the over-65s, members of various Italian associations (see list below), students in higher education (please be prepared to show student photo ID), and participants in the Museum’s educational events.

Free of charge

Under 18s, people with disabilities and the person accompanying them, authorized guides, press and media (please be prepared to show relevant ID), guides (max two per class) accompanying school groups, one person accompanying a group (minimum 10 persons), members of ICOM (International Council of Museums), art critics and scholars (with relevant ID), and accredited volunteers.

Full (both museums)

€ 13,00

Concessions (both museums)

€ 9,00

Special discounts

Art-lovers who are resident in Italy and are signed up to any of the cultural assocations listed below can get extra mileage from their membership.

Show your membership card at the ticket office of any of Treviso’s City Museums and you can get a discount on admission charges.

    • Membri dell'Associazione Amici dei Musei
    • Touring Club Italiano (TCI)
    • Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI)
    • Rete Luoghi d'Arte del Comune di Vittorio Veneto
    • Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia di Venezia (MUVE)
    • Treviso Ricerca Arte (TRA)
    • Centro Turistico Giovanile (CTG)
    • Italia Nostra

Our Loyalty Card

If you are going to be in Treviso for at least a year, you might like to consider the Treviso City Museums’ loyalty card. For €25 (€10 for accedited teachers) for twelve months from the date of issue, you get free admission to all permanent exhibitions in the Museo Santa Caterina and Museo Bailo, as well as to exhibitions at Casa Robegan. The only exception is guided visits or specific paid-for events. Flash your card when you enter the museum, and you are good to go.

The card is strictly personal and can be bought at any of the City Museums’ ticket offices.

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