The Collections

The Collections

An evocative journey of discovery: Treviso’s art treasures

Following a long and intense period of restoration, the outcome of which was to give back to the city one of its most prized locations, the Museo di Santa Caterina offers visitors the chance to explore the past in an appropriately contemporary setting.

Art from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries

Art from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries

The elegant long gallery on the first floor, onto which open what were the monks’ cells, now provides a home for some 150 works of art, dating from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century.

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La Chiesa of Santa Caterina and the fresco cycle of Saint Ursula

La Chiesa of Santa Caterina and the fresco cycle of Saint Ursula

Reached via the light-filled Great Cloister and dominated by a fresco showing Saint Catherine holding a model of the city of Treviso in the palm of her hand, the eponymous church is has the typical sweeping upward movement of the great Gothic style, the light measured and powerful setting off the exquisite cycle of the Stories of Saint Ursula, as well as the other restored frescoes.

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The archaeological section

The archaeological section

Retracing the steps of the ancients, exploring the signs and artefacts of civilizations the date from long ago, but which have left tangible traces on the city and its environs, the archaeological section of the Treviso City Museum documents how the inhabitants of this area lived and spent their time from the Bronze Age onwards.

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